We are a mission-minded congregation. Our members have a keen interest in serving God by helping address hunger, homelessness, oppression and poverty. Come join in on the conversations and active service that reflect our commitment to both faith and works.
Mission Partnership Giving
We pledge a portion of our general budget to the General Assembly for mission work here and abroad.
One Great Hour of Sharing
Gifts go to the Presbyterian Hunger Fund, the Self Development of People Fund, and the Presbyterian Disaster and Refugee Resettlement Fund.
Peacemaking Offering
Gifts are used for ministries of peace and reconciliation in the church, in the community and around the world.
Christmas Joy Offering
This offering assists active and retired church workers in times of need, and helps support the eight racial and ethnic schools and colleges related to the Presbyterian church.
Pentecost Offering
These funds are used to help at-risk children, both locally and around the world. The funds are also used to nurture faith in children and teens.
Christmas Eve Offering
Our Christmas Eve offering is dedicated to a select local or global mission that we choose each year.

In 2010, St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church established a 10-year covenant partnership with the Presbyterian Church in Santa Clara, Cuba as part of a long-standing partnership established between the Presbytery of the Cascades, of which St. Andrew's is a member, and the Central Presbytery of Cuba, of which Santa Clara is a member. These partnerships are for the purposes of strengthening the Cuban Presbyterian Church which experienced great persecution until 1990, and which has endured much economic hardship. An equally important goal is peacemaking between the two churches and our two countries. Every two years St. Andrew's sends a team to Santa Clara, Cuba to provide financial support, bring medicines and other needed supplies, also to develop relationships with our Cuban sisters and brothers. Team members discover that this time of community brings rich rewards and lasting friendships. St. Andrew's holds bi-annual auction/dinner to raise funds for the Santa Clara Church and for furthering the goals of the partnership. The auction is a festive evening featuring great food, terrific auction items, entertainment, and fellowship with friends from all over the community. There are many opportunities to learn more about the partnership, assist with the auction and to travel with the team. To learn more about the St. Andrew's Cuba Partnership contact Marilyn Roberts.

Neighborhood Ministry carries out the local mission of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church through the support of clothing drives, medical clinics, schools, shelters, food pantries, and community centers. For more information please contact Katy, Neighborhood Ministry Coordinator.
An annual effort during February & March by Churches in southwest Portland to raise money and food donations for the Neighborhood House Food Pantry. St. Andrew's is the chairing organization, providing leadership for publicity and events such as restaurant nights, concerts, and 5K runs, and donations from local businesses.​
Partners with diverse individuals and families to build community and achieve their goals for health, education and self-sufficiency. Services include a senior center, a Head Start Preschool, and food pantry. St. Andrew's members volunteer in the food pantry and help with bulk mailings. Visit for more information.
Operation Nightwatch
Through our Ziploc ministry we support this organization, whose mission is to provide radical hospitality to alleviate the isolation experienced by those living on the streets at times of the day that other resources typically aren't available, by providing bags filled with critical items need to survive living outside.
West Women & Children's Shelter
A ministry of the Salvation Army, the shelter also provides food, clothing, and services to survivors of domestic violence. St. Andrew's members help with food and holiday gifts for residents.
St. Andrew's team members are Laurie Donald, Jeanette Kloos, Marilyn Palumbo, Mary Poulsen, and Mary Sherwood.

Each Sunday at 10am we gather to worship, recognizing that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, although our culture and circumstances are ever-changing. Musicians and artists help us worship God in a variety of ways. We alternate between more "traditional" and more "modern" music in worship, and some weeks we use a bit of both!
We hold several special events each year with music as a focal point. The choir performs a special Advent and Christmas choir concert in December. We host a jazz band in the summertime during one worship service. Special solo and group vocal and instrumental musicians perform during services throughout the year.
Contact Us
Feel free to email Pastor Sarah or our Music Director, Don Feely, or any member of the choir if you have questions about how to get involved.

Children as part of a faith community
Why Raise Children In A Faith Community?
Church is where children are joined with all generations in a story that has been going on for thousands of years. It is the story of people called by God to bring love, joy, peace, and justice to the world. At St. Andrew's, children join a long legacy of those who have been loved and cared for by their elders.
Children in the Classroom
Nursery/Preschool Class (Infants-5years)
St. Andrew's employs paid child care staff to watch over babies, toddlers and preschoolers during our worship service. The children are well-cared for and have a great time with our Nursery/Preschool caregiver, Chloe, and the screened volunteers who work with her each week.
The littlest ones among us are exposed to the major stories of the Old and New Testaments, the stories that form the basis of our faith and convey key lessons so appropriate to this age. They are introduced to the nature of God—creative, courageous, wise, and loving—as revealed in Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
They sing, hear a Bible story, do a story related craft, learn to pray before snack, take nature walks in good weather, and have supervised free play time.
Parents of infants and toddlers leave their cell phone numbers so they can be contacted in worship. They are also welcome to stay in the nursery or preschool room during the service, if they like. Both rooms have large windows to allow parents and members of the congregation to observe children from the main hall.
St. Andrew's performs background checks on all paid staff and volunteers. Parents are welcome in all classrooms at any time. Our minimum child care and classroom staffing is two adults (or one adult and one high school age youth) per room whenever children are present.
Elementary Children (K-5th Grade)
Our elementary Sunday School program, Lighthouse, allows children to explore their faith, using excellent curriculum developed about the same biblical story being presented in worship so families can discuss the scriptures together. We use the narrative lectionary
as a congregation, so that as a faith family, people of all ages are learning the story of our faith each year from Genesis through the stories of the early church in the New Testament.
We have a dedicated group of trained teachers sharing the responsibility for the lessons for the Lighthouse class. The class begins with a large motor activity, followed by a reading and discussion of the bible story. The children complete a related craft or other multi-sensory experience. They end with a group prayer. They sometimes discuss the meaning of a hymn they've heard in worship, or on Communion Sundays, they preview the Sending Song they'll sing when they return to set the Communion table and join the church family for the Lord's Supper.